Friday, August 12, 2011

Old Articles: Punk Rock n Schlock Karaoke - CLOSED Annie's Social Club

This Isn't Your Ordinary Karaoke

October 01, 2006|By Bill Picture

  • Jody Handley of San Francisco sings "Wham Rap" at Punk Rock 'n' Schlock Karaoke night at Annie's Social Club. Chronicle photo by Chris Stewart
    Jody Handley of San Francisco sings "Wham Rap" at Punk Rock 'n' Schlock Karaoke night at Annie's Social Club. Chronicle photo by Chris Stewart
    Credit: Chris Stewart
Even punks and goths take advantage of the acoustics in their showers and belt out a ditty (perhaps a medley if they've got the time). And if alternative tunes weren't so darned hard to come by at traditional karaoke bars, more of these folks might be willing to drop the cooler-than-thou act and bask in the karaoke spotlight. So a few enterprising karaoke jockeys, or "KJs," have loaded up their songbooks with music that the city's black-clad, pierced and tattooed set can slur along to after a few too many and still respect themselves the next morning.


Eileen and Jody share hosting duties at this thrice-weekly karaoke party in the back room of Annie's Social Club. Rock out to live bands up front. Then stumble back to the karaoke parlor and have a hopefully in-key go at tunes that run the punk, new wave and alt-rock gamut. We're talking everything from X-Ray Specs to Nirvana to Green Day, all handpicked by Annie, the owner, herself. Should you opt for schlock, Eileen and Jody also have plenty of ABBA, Air Supply, show tunes and so-bad-they're-good Top 40 material on hand.

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